Minimum Viable Product (MVP) – A Complete Guide for Startups


Minimum Viable Product, as the name suggests, it is a basic structure of a product. An entrepreneur decides on a Startup Idea and in order to reduce the risk, a product which requires less time and money is introduced to the market. A deep analysis is done and based on the success and feedback, the […]

Sharepoint Vs Onedrive – Which one is best for your Business


We have listed a detailed comparison of both SharePoint Vs Onedrive. With the increase in remote work culture, it has become more essential for companies to adopt a more secure and robust environment to store and share documents within the team. SharePoint and OneDrive are 2 most adopted options for this purpose.  SharePoint Vs Onedrive […]

Everything that you need to know about Uber for X Ideas for your next startup.


Revenue Process  The most crucial part of the App, based on the business plan for App idea you need to understand how you would be paid. There are several revenue models which you can implement in your process.  Direct revenue and indirect revenue are the 2 major models here. If you are opting for direct […]

How To Create Whatsapp Like Apps- A Complete Development Guide


Introduction Among all Social media applications, the messenger app has been the most needed App. Either a complete app for messaging or as a part of a bigger Mobile App Ideas. If you are thinking of creating your own WhatsApp Like Apps? This is the right time to enter this industry. In This Post, We Will […]

How to determine the right budget required for your Idea to App development.


Once your App Idea is finalised your next course of action is to understand how much investment is required in designing and developing the App Idea.  When asked this question to IT Companies, I heard this from Project Managers “It Depends”. Well yes, it is partially correct. The core cost evaluation process includes the time required […]

Everything you need to know about Offshore developers rate from all around the world


IT Outsourcing is gaining momentum and will continue to grow in the coming years. It is just no longer the game to save the cost but to stay competitive. It is the new strategic tool that is empowering the century. More and more businesses are opting for this approach, as per a study by Clutch […]

How IT Outsourcing can help you survive the COVID-19 Pandemic!


The crisis in business has not just shown its impact on the business owners but on its various audiences including employees, stakeholders, assets, operations, and its reputation too!  In these tough times, numerous businesses have given up and several others are on the verge of shutting down. However, there are several businesses who have successfully […]

Vipra Business is delighted to announce it’s 6th anniversary


t would have not been possible without our team, ex-employees, and our clients who believed in us. It gives us immense pleasure to announce our six successful years of providing exceptional services. On the 2nd of April, back in 2014, Mr. Vivek Singhania (Company’s founder & CEO) started this young organization with a vision to […]

App Like Uber- A Complete Development Guide


Uber has successfully held the no. 1 position in ride-hailing applications. However, the rise of Uber also attracted several other apps like uber which also did exceptionally well in specific countries. Uber was turned down by these competitors also Like in China Didi took over Uber, In India, Ola gave tough competition to Uber, and […]