Elementor #17537


bookcybirdy.com/ You can see  this, There are not enough visitors on your website. A few months back, it started going upwards and this is definitely a good sign. However, it is important to keep an eye on which keywords are bringing in the most visits and whether they are valuable for your sales campaigns or […]

Competitor Gap Analysis- pistakio


#1 Competitor Their Organic Traffic Trend It’s great to see that the number of visitors are increasing steadily. A few months back, it started going upwards and this is definitely a good sign. However, it is important to keep an eye on which keywords are bringing in the most visits and whether they are valuable […]

In house Vs offshore software development: Which works best for your project?


Millions of businesses are looking forward to growing their operations to the next level. Are you planning the same? During the business growth phase, every business owner faces the question of how to scale up their software development efficiently. What to choose — In house Vs offshore software development team? Over the years, it has […]

Must Know the Benefits of Node JS Development for Large Scale App in 2022


Have you also heard about Node Js taking over other platforms for developing large-scale applications? If you are an enterprise, looking forward to developing a robust web application, Node Js could be the right pick. Being robust, versatile, and a swift technology, Node Js has emerged as one of the leading technologies preferred by several […]

Vipra Business Is All Set to Thrive With a Bunch of Fine-Skilled Engineers Taking Over Clients’ Digital Needs: GoodFirms


Helping clients in transforming their business with robust web solutions would soon endow Vipra Business to thrive amongst the leading web development companies in India at GoodFirms. Overview: Incorporated in 2014 and based in India, Vipra is an IT consulting firm. It helps clients in transforming their business to achieve digital success. With 80+ engineers and 50+ […]

Food Delivery App Development [Complete And Easy Guide]


Food Delivery business model has shown great potential in recent years and is still growing at a great pace. As per Statista, the current Revenue share is at 26.5 Billion Dollars in the USA which is expected to be at 32.3 Billion Dollars by 2024.  Moreover, as we have COVID 19 all over, home delivery is going […]

Minimum Viable Product (MVP) – A Complete Guide for Startups


Minimum Viable Product, as the name suggests, it is a basic structure of a product. An entrepreneur decides on a Startup Idea and in order to reduce the risk, a product which requires less time and money is introduced to the market. A deep analysis is done and based on the success and feedback, the […]

Sharepoint Vs Onedrive – Which one is best for your Business


We have listed a detailed comparison of both SharePoint Vs Onedrive. With the increase in remote work culture, it has become more essential for companies to adopt a more secure and robust environment to store and share documents within the team. SharePoint and OneDrive are 2 most adopted options for this purpose.  SharePoint Vs Onedrive […]

Everything that you need to know about Uber for X Ideas for your next startup.


Revenue Process  The most crucial part of the App, based on the business plan for App idea you need to understand how you would be paid. There are several revenue models which you can implement in your process.  Direct revenue and indirect revenue are the 2 major models here. If you are opting for direct […]